Monday, September 27, 2010

Virtual Site Visits

A couple of weeks ago I had to do a virtual site visit for a client in New York.  We had 10 days to pull an event together and none of the decision makers were in town.  I had 1 person in California and 2 in New York.  Which immediately eliminated the Skype option, because as far as I know Skype does not doe video conference calling.  So I had to come up with a plan B.  Plan B consisted of broadcasting myself via  It was free and so easy to set up.  You create a profile and a "show"  then you send the link to your clients and they sign in to watch your "show". This simple virtual site visit enabled me to show the property live and book the client.

Another way this broadcasting can be used is for weddings.  Not everyone has the ability to either physically or financially attend the weddings of their family and friends.  A simple solution to this problem is to set up a "show" on and send the link to your family and friends that are unable to attend your wedding.  Have a family or friend set up a laptop with a camera in the corner pointing it at your ceremony spot.  This way everyone can enjoy your ceremony no matter where they are physically.

I have a few other ideas and a little bit of advice posted on

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